Thursday, July 23, 2009

#010- Torchwood: Children of Earth- Ep. 3- Day Three

Airdate: July 22nd, 2009
Episode Title: Day Three
Episode #: 303 (Season 3, Episode 3)
Starring: John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Gareth David-Lloyd

Day Three brought us the highly anticipated first contact with the 456. After a slow start that almost had me feeling like their arrival wasn't going to happen, this episode caught fire at about the 23 minute mark. The Torchwood team has been reduced to petty theft, trying to infiltrate Thames House in order to see what it is that the British Government is building. With the help of the Secretary's PA, Lois, the are able to bug her with a cool gizmo that has a camera hidden in contact lenses. Meanwhile, the children of Earth stop dead and point to the sky, just in time for an ominous pillar of fire to descend over London and crash into the Thames House, with the children announcing "We are here". The 456 crash into the tank the government has built, and in allusion to Independence Day, the smokey chamber keeps us from getting a first hand look at the creature, but the tense, first conversation between the 456 and the John (the secretary appointed as liaison to the 456) is edge of your seat drama. Torchwood also picks up the mental patient from the first episode and take him back to the Torchwood Hub (or in this case, a warehouse). Jack Harkness spends the episode having a bit of a trip down memory lane, and the big reveal comes at the end when he tells his team he was involved with the incident in 1965. Also, the diplomacy between John and the 456 takes a strange turn when they demand a "gift". Overall, this episode was, alike the first, heart-pounding, blood-rushing and chilling. It had its funny moments to balance the dramatic ones, and once again created nightmare fodder for any young child. Just what exactly are the 456 up to, and what is Captain Jack's involvement in the original conspiracy? I'm sure all that will be revealed tonight during Day Four. Nonetheless, Torchwood: Children of Earth has been utterly captivating through its first three parts, and with just two more to go, it saddens me that their will be no more Torchwood till 2010.

Episode Score (out of 10) 8.8
Story: B+
Characters: B+
Creativity: B
Impact: A-

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