Wednesday, July 22, 2009

#007- Torchwood: Children of Earth- Ep. 1.- Day One

Airdate: July 20th, 2009
Episode Title: Day One
Episode #: 301 (Season 3, Episode 1)
Starring: John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Gareth David-Lloyd

Torchwood is coming. Season 3 of the Russell T Davies Adult "Doctor Who" spin-off will be just 5 episodes, running just THIS week in the summer, complying of a story arc involving all the children of Earth...stopping at the exact same time. The plot line follows the complications with a deal the British government struck with an alien race known only as the "456" (the radio frequency on which they broadcast) forty-four years ago without the rest of the world knowledge. However, when all of Earth's children stop and began repeating in unison "We are coming" over and over, the British government has to do everything it can to cover its own asses. That includes wiping out the local alien experts, Torchwood. The Torchwood institute, which was created by Queen Victoria circa 1869 in preparation to defend the Earth against any pending alien anomalies (such as The Doctor) is headed by Captain Jack Harkness (Barrowman) a man who can never die, and is compellingly loyal to his team. Gwen Cooper (Myles) is the leading lady, a determined, strong-minded butt-kicker who is Jack's right-hand man (ahem, woman). The finally member of the team Ianto Jones (David-Lloyd) (pronounced Yanto) is the quiet, shy, intelligent type, and also plays the role of Captain Jack's romantic interest. The team is on the run from the government, who is set on wiping them out and preventing any leak that the Brits are responsible for the impending alien threat, but they aren't going quietly.

The first episode, titled "Day One" follows the strange behavior of all the worlds children stopping and shouting in unison. The Government is immediately alarmed when reports that it could be "them" are determined. Much of the episode surrounds on the children, and the sheer creepiness that they bring. Really, could you imagine EVERY SINGLE child on planet Earth barking in a deep voice "We are coming!". That is nightmare fodder at its most brilliant. After determining that this is the work of an unknown alien race called the "456", the government decides to "Blank page" Britain's involvement in a yet to be discussed deal made in 1965. Because of this, orders are sent out to kill Captain Jack Harkness and eliminate Torchwood. Meanwhile, the Torchwood team begins their investigations of the mysterious happenings. They visit a mental patient, who has been hiding under a false name for the last forty-years claiming that he was part of the original deal Great Britain made with the 456, in which he watched all his friends vanish in a bright light, however he remained behind. When the children start delivering their eerie message, he unwillingly joins in, repeating "We are coming" and when he comes around utters, "They found me!". The episode has an explosive ending that really got me excited for the next days installment. All I know is that when Torchwood: Children of Earth airs tonight, I will definitely be coming...back.

Episode Score (out of 10) 9.0
Story: A
Characters: B+
Creativity: A-
Impact: B

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