Monday, August 3, 2009

#011- Eureka- Ep. 3- Insane in the P-Brain

Airdate: July 24th, 2009
Episode Title: Insane in the P-Brain
Episode #: 403 (Season 4, Episode 3)
Starring: Colin Ferguson, Joe Morton, Jordan Hinson, Erica Cerra, Salli Richardson-Whitfield

The third episode of the season follows the Sheriff and new comer Tess as they accidentally fall victim to a top-secret Global Dynamic project that shifts them into an alternate dimension, where they can't be seen or heard. While Tess and Jack are trapped, one of Eureka's residents begins having surges in measurements that he claims are ghosts and spirits trying to contact us from the other side...when its really Jack and Tess! The episode on a whole was kind of boring and not what I've come to expect from Eureka. The story was weak and the nagging b-plot of Lexi's pregnancy and Duncan deciding whether or not he wants to help raise the baby is kind of annoying and progressing too slowly. I'd be perfectly happy to see both characters leave Eureka, and give more air time to the quirkier super geniuses like Fargo and Decan. All in all, Eureka is still my second-favorite summer series behind Harper's Island. This episode did hit us with a cliffhanger that "something was coming for Eureka" from space, and it looks to be a big part of the next few episode and it will definitely have me tuning in. You should too.

Episode Score (out of 10) 8.4
Story: C+
Characters: B
Creativity: B+
Impact: B+

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