Thursday, August 20, 2009

#020- Defying Gravity- Ep. 4- H2IK

Airdate: August 16th, 2009
Episode Title: H2IK
Episode #: 104 (Season 1, Episode 4)
Starring: Ron Livingston, Laura Harris, Malik Yoba, Christina Cox, Peter Howitt

Defying Gravity seems to be getting better with each week, but I can't shake this sinking feeling that it won't make it past August. It seemed strange to begin with the start a new series in the dog days of Summer, especially because how can you measure the success of a show when its airing in a dead time slot (Sunday nights) in the most horrid month of TV watching? Anyway, I like the mystery and intrigue surrounding the Antares crew, and whatever this enigma of "Beta" is, I hope the show survives long enough to reveal it. The characters, whom I was originally disappointed with, have grown on me a little, but they still have a long way to go before I consider them an A-class cast. This episode revolved around a malfunction which shut down most of the spaceships function and almost blew the entire mission wide open. While the crew tried to fix it above, mission control was forced to bring AJ back into the pit to help solve the problem, which he figured was an H2IK sequence. H2IK, for those of you who don't know means "Hell If I know". With time running out, Donne, Zoe and the rest of the Antares crew have to figure it out before the missions is grounded. All in all, very watchable, but will it survive? Hell If I know.

Score: 8.7
Story: B+
Characters: B
Originality: B+
Impact: B+

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