Saturday, August 8, 2009

#015- Warehouse 13- Ep. 5- "Elements"

Airdate: August 5th, 2009
Episode Title: "Elements"
Episode #: 105
Starring: Eddie McClintock, Joanne Kelly

The premise of this episode centered on a series of artifacts that controlled the four elements of earth, (rock, water, fire, wind). It's an idea we've seen a bunch of times, but it was at least moderately entertaining. Warehouse 13 continues to be a B-level show, and I think its safe to say its never going to evolve into something more. The characters are funny and realistic, and I've liked that Artie has stopped being so mopey and joined in with the investigations more. Lattimere (McClintock) is easily the most entertaining character and he complements Myka (Kelly) and her up tightness and insecurity well. All in all, Warehouse 13 remains a niche marker for those looking for sci-fi/mystery/crime drama.

Episode Score (out of 10) 8.4
Story: B+
Characters: B+
Originality/Creativity: C+
Impact: B

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