Monday, August 3, 2009

#012- Warehouse 13- Ep.4 - "Claudia"

Airdate: July 28th, 2009
Episode Title: "Claudia"
Episode #: 04
Starring: Eddie McClintock, Joanne Kelly

Each week Warehouse 13 seems to just slowly be getting a little better. This week finally answered the questions as to who was hacking into the Warehouse 13 data base, and why. It finally gave Artie the screen time he deserved and it did so in a manner that was entertaining and exciting. The episode focuses on a girl named Claudia, who kidnaps Artie in an attempt to bring her "dead" brother back because she believes he is trapped in another dimension from one of his experiments Artie helped fund a long time ago. Meanwhile, Myka and Lattimere try to track down Artie's whereabouts. The episode is riddle with flashbacks to Artie's past that help explain what is going on during the episode. This is probably the best episode to date, as it creates a lot of drama, helped by Claudia's acting (portrayed by Allison Scagliotti). I'm still waiting (and getting impatient) for Warehouse 13 to produce an episode that really blows me away, they seemed to be just throwing out satisfactory episodes, when they could be doing a lot more. Nevertheless, I set the DVR again.

Episode Score (out of 10) 8.5
Story: B-
Characters: B+
Creativity: B+
Impact: B

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